Thursday, April 21, 2011

Crochet: My Newest Obsession

Last Spring my sister-in-law suggested that we take a crochet class together. I immediately had a flashback to my grandma's bathroom. All I could picture was a baby doll head attached to a buttercup yellow ruffled dress atop a roll of toilet paper. Remember these?

I'm actually diggin' this red and white with the pink tile.

It's not like I needed a new hobby. I am a full-time seamstress, mom to 3 boys (4 including my husband) and I always have some project going. But, I am always up for learning new tricks, so we set a date to take a lesson at Joann's Creative University. It was fun. We were a group of about 6 ladies including the sweet instructor. Her name was Twila and she looked like her name. There was a lot of giggling that took place within a span of 3 hours. You'd be surprised at how naughty crochet lingo can sound.

The trick to remembering the stitches is to practice like a spazz. Just forget about doing laundry and cleaning your house. Make sure you feed the kids, but screw the rest and just crochet... for like, hours. Do it for so long that you get Crocheter's Elbow. I did. Seriously, that is the key.

After I mastered the chain stitch, single crochet and double crochet stitch, I made this. It was my first hat. Click here for the free pattern.

My sis-in-law had to go on vacation to Disney with a ton of family members and didn't have a chance to put her skills to practice right away like I did. When she returned home, I showed her a "few" of my things. She said, "I went to Disney for a week and you started a new business?!"

Here is my new business. I never meant to do it. It just kinda happened and it's all her fault.

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